Housing and Homeless Services

Shelter, Food and Clothing

From immediate shelter, to nutritional support and clothing needs, these resources assist people experiencing homelessness or for people who are in transition


Community Shelter Programs

These programs are for people currently experiencing homelessness 
+ Emergency Shelter  Provide short-term shelter with minimal supportive services


Agency Name
Program Name 
Criteria for Beds
Domestic Violence Resource Center Emergency Shelter Must be a domestic violence victim.
Eddy House Willow Street: Drop In Beds Must be transition age youth (18-24 years old).
Eddy House Emergency Room  Must be transition age youth (18-24 years old).
Reno Sparks Gospel Mission Women's Emergency Shelter Must be female.

Safe Embrace

Emergency Shelter Must be a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or sex trafficking.
Washoe County Temporary Assistance for Displaced Seniors (TADS) Must be senior over 60 years old.
Washoe County OUR Place Family shelter (Operated by RISE) Must be families, pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy or high risk pregnancy without sex/violent/child abuse offenses.
Washoe County OUR Place Women's shelter (Operated by RISE) Women without sex/violent/child abuse offenses.
Washoe County Nevada Cares Campus Emergency Shelter  (Operated by VOA)


Low Barrier Emergency Shelter.

+ Temporary Housing  Provide interim stability and support 


Agency Name
Program Name 
Criteria for Beds
Awaken Transitional House 

Must be female victim of commercial sexual exploitation or at risk of becoming a victim. Sobriety required.  

Bristlecone Family Resources SUD Residential Treatment Program

Must have a substance abuse disorder. Some male beds are reserved for veterans. Sobriety required.

Bristlecone Family Resources Transitional Housing

 Must graduate from residential treatment program to be eligible. Sobriety required. 

Casa de Vida Transitional Housing

Must be young mother. 

Domestic Violence Resource Center Transitional Housing (TH1)  Must be a domestic violence victim.
Domestic Violence Resource Center Transitional Housing (TH2)  Must be a domestic violence victim. This program is geared towards larger families.
Eddy House Willow Street: Community Living Program Must be transition age youth (18-24 years old).
Eddy House House on Ryland Must be a male transition age youth (18-24 years old) that has graduated from the community living program. Must have a full time job and pay rent.
Health Plan of Nevada (HPN) Perfect Transitions Medical Respite Must be a HPN Medicaid member & have a medical need.
Health Plan of Nevada (HPN) Housing First Program Must be a HPN Medicaid member & must be a high utilizer of health care system.
Health Plan of Nevada (HPN) Youth Next Step Program Must be a HPN Medicaid member & must be a transition age youth (18-24 years old) transitioning out of Eddy House.
Health Plan of Nevada (HPN) Next Step Housing Must be a HPN Medicaid member & must be working.
Health Plan of Nevada (HPN) Sober Living Program Must be a HPN Medicaid member & must participate in programming.
Health Plan of Nevada (HPN) Re-Entry Program Must be a HPN Medicaid member and exiting prison.
Health Plan of Nevada (HPN) Safe Bed Program Must be a HPN Medicaid member. Singles & couples only.
Hosana Home Transitional Housing  Must be female & sober for at least 30 days.
Life Changes Inc.  9 Sober Homes (Working Program) Must be sober and able to work.
Nation's Finest  Account for Affordable Housing Trust Fund Must be a veteran 60% or below average median income.
Nation's Finest  Incarcerated Veterans Transition Program (IVTP Grant) Must be veteran with incarceration history & seeking employment.
Nation's Finest  Behavioral Health Center  Must be a high acuity veteran.
Nevada Youth Empowerment Project (NYEP) Sonder House: Affordable Housing Program Must be a female transition age youth (18-24 years old) who has graduated from the NYEP community living program. Must log 40 hours of productivity per week and pay $400/month rent.
Nevada Youth Empowerment Project (NYEP) Faland House: Community Living Program  Must be female transition age youth (18-24 years old).
Northern Nevada HOPES HOPE Springs (Tiny Home Village) Must be experiencing homelessness.
Northern Nevada HOPES Ryan White Program Must have HIV/AIDS & be experiencing homelessness.
Reno Sparks Gospel Mission Men's Long Term Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program Must be sober male.
Reno Sparks Gospel Mission Women's Long Term Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program Must be sober female.
Reno Sparks Gospel Mission Women's Transitional Living Must be sober female.
Reno Sparks Gospel Mission Men's Transitional Housing Must be sober male.
Ridge House, The Residential Program Must have a substance abuse disorder. Some of the male beds are reserved specifically for veterans and transition age youth (18-24 years old). Sobriety required.
Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality (RISE) Living Room Program  Must have exhausted all other resources.
Safe Embrace Transitional Housing  Must be victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or sex trafficking. Open to al genders. Open to individuals and families.
Step 1 Step 1 Transitional Living with Level 1 Outpatient Program Must be male with a substance abuse disorder and be able to work.
Step 2 Redfield Residential Facility (dormitory style rooms) Must be female with a primary substance use disorder.
Step 2 Transitional Housing (the Lighthouse Campus Cottages) Must be a female with a primary substance use disorder.

Steps to New Freedom


Non-Veteran Program  Must be male (primarily prisoner re-entry). 
Steps to New Freedom
Veteran Programs Must be an eligible male veteran through VA for Healthcare (primarily prisoner re-entry). Sobriety required.
The Empowerment Center Center - 120 day program, 30 day blackout to begin, 12 step based Must be a female with a substance abuse disorder. Sobriety required.
The Salvation Army Northern Nevada Adult Rehabilitation Program Must be male with a substance abuse disorder. Sobriety required.
Veteran's Administration (VA) Veteran Transitional Housing (private dorms inside men's shelter) (Operated by VOA) Must be a male veteran.
Vitality Veterans  Transitional Housing Program  Must be a male chronically homeless veteran.
Volunteers of America (VOA) -  Restart Rapid Rehousing (RRH) Must be family experiencing homelessness or fleeing domestic violence.
Washoe County Men's Crossroads Must be male experiencing homelessness with a substance abuse disorder.
Washoe County Crossroads - Women Only Program Women only.
Washoe County Crossroads Women and Children Program Women and children only. 
Washoe County Hope Home Independent Living Program (Operated by Eddy House) Must be stabilized transition age youth (18-24 years old).
Washoe County Transition Age Youth Rapid Rehousing (RRH) Aged out of foster care system or homeless transition age youth (18-24 years old).
Washoe County Permanent Supportive Housing (families) Must have a disability in household and be homeless. There is one domestic violence designated bed.
WellCare Coronado  For those needing extended behavioral health & IOP. Anthem Medicaid.
WellCare West  Stabilization after CTC. Anthem Medicaid.
West Care Home Front West Care Homefront - Transitional Housing  Must be a veteran approved by VA, sobriety required.
+ Supportive Housing Provide supportive housing without a designated length of stay 


Agency Name
Program Name 
Criteria for Beds
City of Reno Rapid Rehousing Program (For Reno Works graduates)  Individuals exiting the Reno Works Program.
Community Foundation of Western Nevada

The Village on Sage Street (Operated by VOA) 

Singles only, must meet income requirements of between $1,320 and $2,735 max, or seniors over the age of 50 with at least $783 in monthly income.
Nation's Finest  Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)- temporary financial assistance for housing Must be veteran who is 50% or below average median income and at risk of losing housing.
Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health (NNAMHS) Shelter Plus Care (S+C) Mental illness is the primary criteria
Reno Housing Authority Project Based Vouchers (Tied to a unit similar to public housing) Must be experiencing homelessness. Some units reserved for seniors.
Safe Embrace Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) Homelessness must be caused by domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking. No disability required.
Veteran's Administration (VA) HUD VASH Units (Operated by Reno Housing Authority) Must be a veteran and meet HUD VASH requirements.
Volunteers of America (VOA) -  Restart Anchor - Permanent Supportive Housing Must have a disabling mental illness or be a domestic violence victim.
Volunteers of America (VOA) -  Restart Rapid Rehousing (RRH) Must be family experiencing homelessness or fleeing domestic violence.
Washoe County Transition Age Youth Rapid Rehousing (RRH) Aged out of foster care system or homeless transition age youth (18-24 years old).
Washoe County Permanent Supportive Housing (families) Must have a disability in household and be homeless. There is one domestic violence designated bed.
Washoe County Shelter Plus Care (S+C) Must be chronically homeless and have a disability.



Food Resources

Meals are also provided when accessing a shelter
+Immediate Meals



St. Vincent’s Dining Room
325 Valley Road
Reno, Nevada 89512

Free hot lunch
Daily, 7 day a week, 11:30 a.m.

Valley View Christian Fellowship


To connect for food, please click here
+ Food Pantries  


To view scheduled food pantries, please click here


St. Vincent’s Food Pantry
500 E. Fourth Street
Reno, Nevada 89512

Monday - Friday:  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and then 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

*Closed every last day of the month at 2 PM for inventory purposes*


To view local food pantries in Washoe County, please click here
+ Food for Anthem Nevada Medicaid Members 


Anthem Nevada Medicaid


Food services available for Anthem members. To check if you are a member please call; Member Services:






Clothing Resources 

+Good Shepherd's Clothes Closet


Support includes  free clothing and shoes 

Address: 540 Greenbrae Dr. 
Sparks, Nevada 89431

Shopping Hours
Monday: 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Friday:  9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
+Dimensions Valley View Christian Fellowship  


Dimensions Valley View Christian Fellowship
To connect for clothes, please click here.
+ Health Plan of Nevada 



Clothing services available for Health Plan of Nevada members. To check if you are a member please call; Member Services:




+ The Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality 


To connect with The Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality (RISE) for clothing please email: 




Additional Information 

If you are interested in additional information, please contact Washoe County Housing and Homeless Services at: RegionalHomelessServices@washoecounty.gov

Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »
Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »